Uniformed Positions
We will always welcome more volunteers, and whether you can give us an evening a month, or 2hrs every week, many hands make light work.
Leaders (Section Assistants)
We are currently looking for new Leaders across our sections, but in particular for Beavers and Scouts. We have a large team of leaders for our scout section, but only one regular female leader, this puts rather a strain on over night activities as we try to have a mix of leaders at overnight activities.
We would like to grow the team and some new blood and enthusiasm would really help. Don't worry if you haven't any experience of boats or Scouting - we can give you that - but a desire to "get stuff done" will go a long way.
See vacancy card below and email Marc Gadsby at gsl@2wk.org.uk if interested, or speak to one of the leader team.