Volunteering Opportunities
We are a large and growing Scout Group, and are always looking for more help with both uniformed and non uniformed roles available...
Do I need experience or qualifications?
No, obviously those would be useful but enthusiasm will be enough for most roles; we can give training in almost any area you may need.
Do I have to commit to x hours per week?
No, everyone is busy and everyone has a different amount to commit too. Some roles are more suited to a regular "2hrs every Tuesday" and some could be helping with a hike or fixing a leaking tap.
Do I have to wear a uniform?
Not necessarily, there are plenty of roles in the group that don't require a uniform, there are even roles that don't involve working with children... Everything from running a bar at the Burns night, to counting the cash. Cleaning the CCTV cameras and the gutters.
What positions do you have that I could help with?
Volunteering Examples
Draycote Helper (no skills required)
Arrive a little earlier than the Scouts, help push the boats out and catch, ride in the safety boat, catch things as requested, and hand out our sweets.
Boat Maintenance
Sand and paint/varnish a boat, change the oil and sparkplugs in an engine
Help on a camp
Cook? Supervise an activity, like below?
Volunteering WhatsApp Groups
Another great way to volunteer is via our 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts WhatsApp Community. In addition to the Section groups we have ad hoc volunteering groups. A brief description of each groups and the invite link is below - please join a group if you can:
Building Maintenance - if you can help with our building maintenance requirements and the occasional project please join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HNeg5fsLs5HGlKDuBBEnfh
Boat Repairs - can you help us to keep our fleet of boats in good condition? No experience required as there are a range of tasks to suit anyone:
Trailer Towing - do you have a towball on your vehicle and would be willing to do the occasional tow e.g. to Draycote Water? Join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IJXf68n3Xdl6UkNsYbt7Qd
Events and Fundraising - join the team organising fundraising events and come up with new ideas: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EPzujIGO3a47I1PfTKmLMu
Cleaning - we employ a cleaning company, but occasionally need ad hoc cleans so if you can help please join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DBPBpp3fB8NKInR6egM5qD
Gardening Team - can you help to keep the grounds around our building looking good and help with any projects? Join here: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IsMPHqKuN8lBT23TenOM24